We have opened the door to UK/EU adopters as of Feb. 2017. Adopters can expect to pay ranging from US$1,200 – US$2200 (from 10 kg small to 25 kg large size dogs) depending on the crate size and weight for the flight. We take care of the tests, and paperwork involved. We have total number of 15 dogs ready to fly to UK. 13 dogs have found homes so far. They are Dana, Nacho, Holly, Bunny, Willy, Gem, Mary, Star, Mini, Pin and Haru – all have homes to fly to. Dami and Lily will need a home. They all are done with the UK requirement of anti-body tests of rabies.
All the dogs are spayed and neutered, fully vaccinated and healthy but some are undergoing heart worm treatment at the moment. First blood test by Dr.Kim on the 10th of June shows that its going away. However, I would like you to do one final test in September or early October to determine “100% cleared” I am sending one test kit in the crate flying together. Marbles, Mary, Freckles, Bunny, Star, Lily, Dami are those. The Auction group paid Dr.Kim for the treatments of all.