Application Form
We take the safety and well-being of our dogs very seriously and want to be sure that they are going to a great home. Once we receive your application submission, you will receive a follow up email to schedule an interview.
Please review the Adoption Information section before you fill in the form. The Adoption Information section answers most of the questions you might have. (FYI, unfortunately we are not accepting applications from UK/EU, Australia, or Hawaii due to the restrictions on importing dogs in those countries/state)
We are completely volunteer run and operated, so please be patient, It may take a couple of days to get back to you. If you don’t hear from us at all, please check your spam and junk folders. We sometimes end up there.
Please see the applicable menu for adoption fees and flight costs.
Please have your photos ready to attach to the application. We need three photos of your home/house (prefer fenced front or back yard) and three photos of your family members including your dogs. This is a MUST for us to review your applications and your Facebook profile.
This application between SaveKoreanDogs and SaveKoreanDogs USA will serve as a binding agreement for dogs rescued from South Korea. Prior to transport of the dog/s, person/s agreeing to provide forever homes also agree and/or confirm the following:
An adoption process begins with submitting an application and photos of your family and your residence. Please provide detailed information for all application questions.
Approval by Save Korean Dogs
All adoption and foster applications reviewed and approved by the SaveKoreanDogs team will be based on what is the best fit for the dog.
To qualify for adoption, you must be at least 21 years old and have a valid driver’s license or state Identification Card stating your current address.
Landlord Consent
You need to have the knowledge and written consent of a landlord, if relevant.
Adoption Fee
Please refer to the Flight Costs and Fees under our Adoption Process menu
Regular Updates
Updated pictures/videos on monthly basis should be posted on the Facebook group page, Save Korean Dogs Success Stories
Please allow our adoption team 48 hours to process your application. Our team will follow up to schedule an interview and home check. Upon approval you will be sent an Adoption (or Foster) Contract with supporting information.