Lost Dog Action Plan
Lost Dog Action Plan
What To Do
- Immediately contact Save Korean Dogs, your local Animal Control Office, and Police Department to report your dog missing.
- If your dog was lost near a town or city border, be sure to contact officials in nearby towns as well.
- As time passes, if your dog hasn’t been found, expand your contacts to towns within a 25 mile radius.
- Please remember that your local Animal Control Officer is a resource and ally who will be of great assistance in bringing your lost dog home.
- Place familiar items at the location where your dog was lost.
- Leave a familiar article of clothing or dog bed.
- Leave a bowl of strong-smelling food (canned dog food, hamburgers, anything with a strong smell).
- If your dog is crate trained, leaving the open crate and bedding out may attract your lost dog.
- Alert neighbors and friends via telephone, social media and in person. ***Make sure they do not chase or yell the dog’s name, this may scare the dog further from the home.
- Search social media for lost pet pages in your area and post your lost dog.
- Consider hiring a tracker. With confirmed sightings of a lost dog, they are very successful in setting up humane traps to capture your lost dog.
- Use the Save Korean Dogs “Lost Dog Flyer Template” located below.
- Flyers should be simple, large font, vital info only, and a large clear photo so it’s visible to passing vehicles. ***Do NOT label the dog’s name.
- Post Lost Dog flyers at and around the location where your dog was last seen.
- Continue to post flyers in expanding areas as sightings are reported.
- Post flyers in locations with lots of traffic (grocery stores, pet stores, coffee shop, vets, etc.).
- Try printing on neon paper for maximum visibility.
- Consider using plastic page protectors, opening at the bottom, to protect from inclement weather.
7. Take printed flyers in PERSON to local shelters, humane societies, and veterinarian offices.- Ask to see all “found’ dogs at the shelters. The shelter’s interpretation of breeds may be very different than your own.
- IMPORTANT – Continue to check back in person with each location periodically. On occasion, information on found dogs held at the shelters slips through the cracks.
- Keep a list of all locations (online posts and printed copy) that you have posted your lost dog so you can update them when your dog is found.
- Notify your dog’s microchip company so they flag your dog’s chip as “missing”. Confirm that registration information is accurate and up to date.
NOTE: Keep us updated on your dog’s status on the Success Stories page. And be sure to notify us and edit your lost dog post when your dog is found. Don’t give up hope. Lost dogs have been found months after being lost. Also, be a considerate neighbor and remove flyers once your dog has been found.
Then read the New Home & LOST DOG PREVENTION document and keep your dog safe!
SAMPLE Lost Dog Flyer Template
Last seen:
Address & Cross Street
City, State ZIP
Date and Time
{INSERT} A Good Head & Body Photo of Your Dog
White jindo, medium size, wearing tags, collar and harness.
Take Photo & Note Location
Call or Text 213- 555-1212